Self Care is on the TOP OF OUR LISTS!
You’ve probably heard the term “self care” many times before and wondered “who has time for that?!” – and continued to load your cart with groceries, scheduled dentist appointments for your teenager, answered work emails, contacted your realtor, planned your next family vacation all while thinking “what am I cooking tonight?” From being a mother to an entrepreneur it can be time consuming, tiring and stressful – yes, also rewarding! To be YOUR absolute best it’s important that you take care of YOU – you are your greatest asset and that no matter how busy your schedule gets YOU deserve some time just for you – here are some tips to give yourself the well deserved break –

- Carve out NON NEGOTIABLE 60 minutes per week – this is a meeting you must attend with yourself
- In your busy day find some quiet time where you can just be in your own company.
- Might we suggest – a bubble bath with all the aromas you love!
- Grab your fav book, turn on your fav podcast, classical music or perhaps enjoy complete silence
- Pamper your body, senses, mind and don’t forget your skin!
- While you relax – wet your face, lather Miracle Mask to multi-task for YOUR SKIN(you’re always multi -tasking – let your skincare do the same for you!)
- After 20 minutes rinse your face for smooth, soft, glowing skin.
- Breathe deeply, relax your shoulders, let yourself relax – don’t let your MIND run wild with your To-Do Lists
- As those 60 mins draw near – if you can – extend them – if not, continue being the Superwoman you are KNOWING taking care of yourself is the best thing you can do for you and the people who love you.

Self Care, is the BEST care!